Top Ten Favorites? No — Top 20 of 2020!

In a normal year, my favorites have all stood the test of time on a map and thus earned favored status. But nothing about 2020 has been normal. Actual map time has been at a premium. And there’s certainly no way to properly rank my faves this time around.

So in addition to the usual F.U.N. criteria Heroclixin’ uses — Is this figure Fair? Is it Useful? Is it Nerdcore? — I’m also falling back on this question I asked for 2016:

“When I see this figure, do I immediately wish I had a team to fit it on?”

That’s the criteria more than ever in this weird year where I COULDN’T play so much. And because of that, I’m not limiting the cut, either, but EXPANDING it.


Normally, I’d open here with a fig from the previous year that came out/got played too little to make the list proper back then before going into a multi-day countdown of this year’s actual releases. But I’mma just jump right into the 2020 faves in this one big post.


Sorry, Dr. Claire Finn (The Orville 003). It was you. You were the 2019 latecomer. I still love you.


In alphabetical order:


Absorbing Man (Captain America and the Avengers 073) 100 points


I collect Masters of Evil in general, though I needed to wait for this chase figure to drop a lot in price before getting it. His trait “Take On The Properties Of Any Element” make this a wildly dynamic dial to play depending on what the map terrain is like. If he’s next to hindering, he can get Stealth, Regen and +2AV. Obscuring gives Super Senses, +2 Speed and Improved Movement:Blocking, Elevated. Water terrain makes him Poisonous and Shape Change-y and damaging (+2) while blocking grants Super Strength, IM:Destroy Blocking and +2DV. All these choices last until he chooses again, too! Very flexible piece.

Friendly/Fellowship: He’s fairly map-dependent, needing hindering or blocking (actual squares, not walls) to get his best powers and stat bonuses.

Useful/Utility: But look at the sheer length of his dial for 100 points — 10 clicks with Masters of Evil TA. WHAT point formula?

Nifty/Nerdcore: Speaking of MoE, he’s on the next big build


The Atom (Justice League Unlimited 059a) 40 points


The Atom is a longtime favorite character and this piece feels the most like the hero with its ability to hitch a ride with any character, friend or foe (and be able to take a costed action after because he’s placed but not carried) and the SP granting Perplex and Outwit alike. He can also shrink a standard ally to Tiny Size.

Friendly/Fellowship: Despite lowish AV and damage…

Useful/Utility: …he’s actually a kinda meta piece due to that placement SP

Nifty/Nerdcore: I have an all-Atoms team ahead


Black Cat (Spider-Man and Venom: Absolute Carnage 005) 40 points


I’ve been waiting for WizKids to make this crime boss version of Black Cat. It’s one of the most accurate dial for her we’ve ever seen, boasting a Prob Control-nerfing SP in close range, which works well with her great tie-up potential. Sidestep, Underworld TA and her trait to adopt one of her team’s named keywords make her a taxi and easy theme teammaker.

Friendly/Fellowship: Her anti-Prob zone is only within 4 squares and she only has Ruler keyword

Useful/Utility: Dial-long Stealth and late Prob of her own with Blades/Claws/Fangs round her out

Nifty/Nerdcore: She’s the latest keyword cheater


Black Widow (Black Widow Movie 100) 75 points


I’m a Black Widow completist, but normally I like a BW with:

  1. Wall-crawling and swingline action (Improved Movement: Elevated);
  2. Blasting multiple targets on the move (Running Shot);
  3. Good combat values because she’s a spy extraordinaire;
  4. Stealth and Perplex or the like for the same reason

So one would expect Black Widow 017 from this set would be my pick because she does all that. Trouble is, that piece is further overpowered in about a half-dozen more ways that make her totally unF.U.N. So no thanks. Instead I like this motorcycled version that skimps on No. 1 and 4 but delivers plenty of the rest plus extras like one-time FREE half-movement, a Sideline BW to shift to when she KOs, and the ability to hit and drag and reposition a target to a new square.

Friendly/Fellowship: She requires a themed team or two more movie set pieces to really work, so she by herself isn’t too frightening

Useful/Utility: But that drag move tho. And she’s a potential undying piece

Nifty/Nerdcore: It’s this movie shot, it’s a classic, C’MON, it’s BIKE WIDOW


Bombshell (Spider-Man and Venom: Absolute Carnage 009) 40 points

Bombshell (Spider-Man and Venom: Absolute Carnage 025) 60 points

svac009 svac025

This is not really a tie. The common daughter does the anti-Stealth with Ultimates while her uncommon mom boosts range up to a possible 8 (+2 via Mom’s “Yet Another Sinister Six” trait, then Perplex). And of course their ability to Pulse Wave when in 3 squares of each other, as they should be due to the above and the daughter’s late Enhancement.

Friendly/Fellowship: It can be tricky to get their duo timing down

Useful/Utility: A nice pair of Energy Exploders

Nifty/Nerdcore: The family that Pulse Waves together stays together

BOMBSHELL(s). BOTH. Or not at all. Like I said, THIS IS NOT A TIE. They’re a DUO


Human Torch (Fantastic Four 038) 40 points


So there was a storyline where Sue traded powers with her brother and found out how mature Johnny really was to keep all that heat in check. I love how this random dial works gives all sorts of options. In addition to constant Poison (which hurts friend and foe, so be careful), she might have Running Shot or HSS or Pulse Wave or RCE or Senses or Deflection. It’s super F.U.N.

Friendly/Fellowship: Randomness means the opponent needn’t fear how you’ll weaponize her. She also can’t Poison with impunity when near allies

Useful/Utility: But no one can plan for her and the random dial means she can usually push freely

Nifty/Nerdcore: A really fantastic rendition of the story. Random SUSAN TORCH is the funnest


Ironheart (Captain America and the Avengers 056) 85 points


I was so glad to get this version of her in a properly engineered suit. She’s a solid attacker and supporter in one, with 7 range, 11AV Penetrating/Psychic Blast Running Shot and double Prob. When she hits, she makes no-cost Barrier around the target, so it’s worth it to burn both Probs on her own attack if needed.

Friendly/Fellowship: I wish she had Willpower, but then she’d be meta and not F.U.N.

Useful/Utility: Down dial she gets Outwit and Perplex, both also for double use.

Nifty/Nerdcore:  She’s been on two of my meta teams this year anyway. I HEART IRONHEART


Jolt (Captain America and the Avengers 031a) 25 points


She has a 50% chance of getting to Sidestep again, and then again and again and again. Its possible she could get all across the map in a turn. Not bad for a 25-point tie-up with Reflexes, Precision and Flurry.

Friendly/Fellowship: Her multiStep power is still unreliable to depend on or to fear. She’s also a short three clicks.

Useful/Utility: But that potential to scoot across the board, tho. Or to retrieve your equipment easily

Nifty/Nerdcore: Jolt was my favorite Thunderbolt anyway, Jay


Micron (Justice League Unlimited 059b) 50 points


So this was my prime in my JLU brick. At first I was unimpressed and thought I might quickly flip him for cash, even though he was a character with the power to change size to either tiny or colossal, which is one of my favorite things in the game. He also shares same ability as The Atom (when this was initially planned as a Top 10 list, these two were gonna share a tied spot) to hitch rides with friends or foes, which can work wonders with his Empower/Enhancement/CCE SP. So I thought I’d hold onto him a while longer.

Friendly/Fellowship: He’s an actual meta fig, so not so much in this category. But as primes go, he’s kinda distinctly mid-range in effectiveness

Useful/Utility: But he’s a prime, which means he can do something cool, like get FREE placed next to an enemy that KO’d an ally last turn in a quasi retaliation

Nifty/Nerdcore: My biggest completist effort in this game is collecting all the Black characters. So when I learned he fit the theme, I was SUPER glad I didn’t sell.



Quake (Captain America and the Avengers 010) 65 points


I’ve liked previous takes on this character, but this one finally gets her just RIGHT. The 2011 version introduced the close attack from range without any line of fire concept, but it was only 2 squares —barely better than standard Giant Reach — and the 2015 model only extended the quaking range to 3, still requiring line of fire.

This time the range is stretched to 5 (or beyond, if she has SHIELD teammates/wildcards), no LOF needed.

Friendly/Fellowship: She requires a certain finesse that keeps her from feeling overbearing

Useful/Utility: But packing Empower and anti-Stealth in addition to her no-look quaking is strong here

Nifty/Nerdcore: This year, Daisy is in full flower. THIS MILKQUAKE BRINGS THIS BOY TO THE YARD


Red Guardian (Black Widow Movie 016) 75 points


I thought I came for his cool “Fighting An Entire Squad” trait that allows him to both close attack from range like Daisy above (though he still needs LOF) and not have to split the damage. But I stayed for his SP Leadership that modifies all stats except damage +1.

Friendly/Fellowship: A failed roll boosts either his opponent’s choice of DV or AV +1, making this a very fair piece.

Useful/Utility: A tough melee dial that doesn’t have to base targets (at first) means this might be a Charge fig that doesn’t die.

Nifty/Nerdcore: Looking forward to seeing if the film character deserves this dial. IN SOVIET RUSSIA, clix plays YOU


Reed Richards, Fixer Of Universes (Fantastic Four 056) 60 points


So I’ve had a standing “Council of Reeds” team build for the past eight years that finally got updated this year. But at first I kinda despaired of actually being able to DO that update because not one but two of the added figs were chases in a pandemic.

I was able to acquire them, though. (It’s a long story. Tell ya someday.)

Anyway, I love Title Reed because while it’s very much in character (unlike another that I need to add to the Worst of 2020 roster), it’s also very focused on a specific play style and goal.

Friendly/Fellowship: He’s really kind of a support-style fig but one that won’t just hide in the back row.

Useful/Utility: Aside from his early Leadership and later Prob, getting a high-AV, low-damage, nigh-Immobile pog in the enemy start zone and getting to free damage your cheapest foe is kinda OK

Nifty/Nerdcore: Playing him is almost like an alternate win condition


Spider-Hamurai (Spider-Man and Venom: Absolute Carnage 066) 60 points


I really hated the last time WizKids based a chase theme on a non-comics idea (the armors based on variant covers back in 2013’s Invincible Iron Man set) but these, completely homegrown by WizKids, are actually good enough to possibly appear in a real Marvel comic someday. And this little guy, who makes Martial Artist keyword into a named theme team by granting them the Spider-Man Family keyword, won me over as soon as I saw it in the booster.

Friendly/Fellowship: “Busheepdo Honor” is so supremely balanced.

Useful/Utility: Getting a FREE attack is always good, esp. when you’re tying up a key foe with the above SP. And Improved Movement and wildcard status and (when not in Busheepdo Honor duel) “Call In Help From The Spider-Verse”

Nifty/Nerdcore: I did not know I needed a samurai pig with spider powers in my life until I opened that box


Spider-Man (Spider-Man and Venom: Absolute Carnage 054) 60 points

Back in 2016, a Batman with a similar ability to attack a crowd for full damage each made the favorites list. Now here’s a Spidey with the Improved Movement and Hypersonic Speed needed to truly leverage it. And he can slip into a civilian ID to possibly avoid KO via his Garbage Can equipment.

Friendly/Fellowship: He generates a J. Jonah Jameson pog — for your opponent.

Useful/Utility: He’s a wildcard and Outwit on top dial, Prob on the back end, and Empower in the middle.

Nifty/Nerdcore: Just a near-perfect classic early-career Spidey


Spot (Spider-Man and Venom: Absolute Carnage 042) 50 points


The first iteration of Spot was among my faves of 2010 and 10 years later his remake takes a … spot … as well. It’s MUCH improved thanks to the decade of power creep since.

Friendly/Fellowship: Only having light 2 or lower damage makes him pretty non-scary to see on a map

Useful/Utility: But yo, his ability to warp and punch from a distance via the “Here, There and Everywhere” trait is really good — especially being able to Outwit before Flurry. And counterpunching him can be dangerous due to “Death of a Thousand … Spots?” dealing damage when they miss his 18 Super Senses.

Nifty/Nerdcore: The old Spot was in my Goofy Marvel Villains team but this one might be a little too good for that.


Sue Storm (Fantastic Four 062) 100 points


I was fortunate enough to get this chase this summer despite joblessness and pandemic (again, long story) and immediately fell for this dial. I like Barrier shenanigans and hers are strong.

Friendly/Fellowship: She’s a lot of points without a strong attack presence. Better Barrier exists at much less than 100.

Useful/Utility: But FREE Barrier’s never bad, esp. when it can double as an attack and she can see through it for TK or Outwit (or Quake and Prob or Incap and Support)

Nifty/Nerdcore: I still await the ultimate Invisible Woman but she’s close


Superman (Justice League Unlimited 105) 125 points / 60 points


This piece is based on that classic JLU episode where Superman goes and pinballs Darkseid because for once Supes doesn’t have to hold back. I love the specificity of this dial.

Friendly/Fellowship: No range means he’s likely got to get deep in enemy territory to be as scary as other HSS figs. Also, his knockback requirement to get the second, FREE placement and attack might run counter to the usual HSS hit and run tactic. He also can’t be healed once he hits his STOP clicks. He’s a high-risk character.

Useful/Utility: Though he requires you to pick your moment and target — he REALLY needs to get that second attack chance, so avoid Reflexes and Charge and other knockback avoiders — he’s really straightforward. A finesse brick.

Nifty/Nerdcore: Make enemies feel like cardboard


Ultron (Avengers Vs. Masters of Evil Battlegrounds 110b) 100 points


Though I like his sculpt twin chase from the Captain America and the Avengers set, too, this one is just so much more straightforward to play. Love the random d6 for FREE Phasing as a kind of no breakaway Running Shot for his Penetrating Blast with Prob.

Friendly/Fellowship: Short dial and he’s not nearly as scary as his twin

Useful/Utility: But FREE breakaway tho. And opening 4 P damage

Nifty/Nerdcore: Nothing cute to say here. ONLY FLESH NEEDS SOMETHING CUTE TO SAY.


Vixen (Justice League Unlimited 015) 75 points


Another Vixen topped my favorite list years ago. And though this one isn’t the first remake since then, I think it might be the truest version of the character ever. Like, there was no reason for her to have any range at all, much less the 8 she got in Streets of Gotham (though I didn’t complain). And the Trinity War version was too many points and dependent on being on a sparsely populated — and bad — theme team to fully activate. The older carded Vixen also had limitations based on the presence of other Animal-themed pieces.

This Vixen is self-sufficient, as she has all the powers she needs via her trait “Tantu Totem” where she can FREE pick any one from her card and use it until next turn. So while she starts with Charge, Reflexes and Exploit Weakness, she could combo with Flurry for two attacks on that Charge. Or Blades/Claws/Fangs for possible extra damage with the Exploit. Or Quake to hit a bunch at once. Or Leap/Climb to hit someone on a different elevation. Or she could be more defensive-minded and choose Invulnerability or Super Senses to stay unharmed next turn. Or Stealth if she’s hiding from shooters. Or Plasticity to keep her adjacent enemy from running. And much more!

Friendly/Fellowship: Her AV is not hot, with only 10 and 9. Not too scary at 75 points to see on the other team.

Useful/Utility: But boy is she handy in a fight. Any of those powers are good to have at any given time.

Nifty/Nerdcore: Y’all know I love a good Vixen


 And those are my 20 of 2020. Hopefully next year we’ll get back to something closer to normal.
Next up on Heroclixin’: A possible battle report on what I’ve been doing during this most abnormal past year in quarantine. (it’s proving daunting. I don’t think it’ll be anything close to complete).
Also: the return of My Custom Mods. Because, again………quarantine

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