Favorites of the Decade [part 5: No. 25 to No. 1]

No. 25


Falcon [Captain America: The Winter Soldier 006] Original rank: No. 1 of 2014

THEN: He was sneaky good because although his values weren’t so hot, he had all manner of nice advantages that made him almost worth his chunky 105 points.

NOW: He’s no longer the pinnacle of Falcons, but still worth taking flight with once in a while.

NEXT: Because his powers key off characters named “Captain America,” he will be unshelved when the new Cap-themed set comes out February 2020. And of course for the mass Atlanta Falcons team as well


No. 24


Grace [Joker’s Wild 046] Original rank: No. 1 of 2016

THEN: She vaulted to the peak spot just by being so dang F.U.N. — getting first strike on foes over her 125 cost, Outsiders, good armor.

NOW: Changes to Super Strength means that first strike won’t hurt as much, so she takes a hit. And so she slips from my personal S tier of faves.

NEXT: But I still love her a lot. I want to play the Outsiders keyword JUST BECAUSE OF HER. And WILL


No. 23


Elijah Snow [Elseworlds 046] Original rank: No. 4 of 2017

THEN: A friend traded this to me, saying it was my kind of figure. He was right. Snow is so tricky to use but lots of F.U.N.

NOW: I only wish his Big Freeze trait didn’t affect friendlies on Planetary keyword. I’ve NEVER used it.

NEXT: I really love teaming up the Planetary and Authority keywords. One of these days I’ll really use his Chill In Your Bones trait to utmost effect. And I have a “White Suit” theme in mind for a future game…


No. 22


Armor [Giant-Size X-Men 050] Original rank: No. 5 of 2011

THEN: I thought she was tons of F.U.N., a good backup to X-Men and Teen themes.

NOW: She’s dropped a lot in the Usefulness slot, but still has one of the better sculpts in the game and remains a favorite X-Man for me to run in Golden Age.

NEXT: Now that pretty much every mutant in the Marvel Universe is a comic-accurate theme team, I need to dust her off for a match on the map. At least until a potential remake


No. 21


Mysterio [Amazing Spider-Man 026 and 206] Original rank: tied for No. 1 of 2013

THEN: I love love LOVED what the uncommon could do: flood the map with Mysterio illusions. Even though you’d almost always lack the actions to actually surround a Spider-Man with them. And the unique was too fragile to get his 60-plus points’ worth.

NOW: Still troublesome to use as a proper swarm, but so much F.U.N. for a casual game.

NEXT: Currently, all Mysterio figures are Golden Age, so if the build is large and casual enough, I’ll try out a horde of Mysterios again


No. 20


Valkyrie [Fear Itself 005] Original rank: No. 5 of 2013

THEN: She was my most wanted piece because she completed the original Secret Avengers team. Good dial, too.

NOW: Similar versions have replaced her somewhat, but if I have the points, she gets their slot.

NEXT: I have a box full of every version of her for a “Ride of the Valkyries” team. And yes, I play Wagner when I run it


No. 19


Donatello [Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2: Heroes In A Half-Shell 025] Original rank: Late bloomer for 2016

THEN: He’s the most complete version of the smartest of the turtles.

NOW: He’s the only version I play if there’s possibly any room for him. I love his Teen Turtle Intellect SP giving him a choice between Outwit, Perplex or Support.

NEXT: I’ve been collecting every Donatello that doesn’t require any of the other Turtles to be played at full effect. I think it’s time I build that all-Donny team I’ve been planning


No. 18


Okoye [Avengers Black Panther Illuminati 038 and Avengers Black Panther Illuminati FF006] 2019 rank: No. 6 (tie)

THOUGHTS: One is more a team player (the Rare) and the other more a fighter (the Fast Forces). Playing both gives me both. I DON’T HAVE TO CHOOSE because IT’S MY LIST.

NEXT: Aside from the Top Figs of 2019 team, I need to field her in a women of Wakanda or Dora Milaje force.


No. 17


Hulk [Avengers Defenders War 052] Original rank: tied for No. 6 of 2017

THEN: I called him “Totally Awesome F.U.N.” back then for his bonuses when punching Monsters or punching up at high-damage foes.

NOW: Amadeus Cho is my favorite Hulk ever. Sorry, Banner.

NEXT: He’s a key piece on the Hulk vs. Wolverine match I have planned


No. 16


Multiple Man [Wolverine and the X-Men 013 and 205] Original rank: tied for No. 1 of 2013

THEN: I love love LOVED what the uncommon could do: flood the map with Madrox dupes. Even though you’d almost always lack the actions to actually fight with them before they got picked off.

NOW: Still troublesome to use as a proper swarm, but so much F.U.N. for a casual game.

NEXT: Going to run them with the latest Madrox. And ALL the Madrox.


No. 15


Oya [X-Men Xavier’s School 031] Original rank: No. 1 of 2018

THEN: I always wanted to play her even though I never did.

NOW: It is SO WORTH IT when I can land her double target shot to freeze one (add 1 token) and burn the other (add 1 penetrating) that she has leapt in my standings.

NEXT: Unless it’s a “no range allowed” scenario, anytime I play X-Men, she is on the team. ANY. TIME.


No. 14


Nova Corps Officer [Guardians of the Galaxy Movie 004] Original rank: No. 6 of 2014

THEN: I said I’d never play Nova Corps without him.

NOW: I’ll never play Nova Corps without him.

NEXT: Seriously, his “Shared Through The Worldmind” trait to allow Novas to shoot from behind friendlies is top tier so it’s foolish to play the theme without him. I’ll field four if I can.


No. 13


Wonder Woman [WizKids D-001] Original rank: No. 1 of 2011

THEN: She was the best Wonder Woman at the time — on an Amazon team.

NOW: She feels even more costly than her 190 points today, regardless of theme. I love her still.

NEXT: It has been an age since I ran a “Diana’s Wardrobe” theme of WW costume variants. She’s top of the list for the build.


No. 12


Captain Marvel [Captain Marvel 021] 2019 rank: No. 3

THOUGHTS: An immediate fave that essentially replaced every other Carol Danvers.

NEXT: Not only will she be in rotation as a Top Fig of 2019, but a new version of The Ultimates begs to be played now that the roster is complete.


No. 11


Bat-Knight [WizKids DP17-006] Original rank: No. 7 of 2017

THEN: Only 60 points for so much utility — Stealth, Great Size, 2 targets, PROTECTED: Outwit/Perplex and more.

NOW: If only I had more for a proper theme team set in the future along with KC Batman.

NEXT: I may have to settle for using it in an improper spot on every competitive Gotham City team until it retires


No. 10


Troll [The Mighty Thor 039] Original rank: No. 3 of 2017

THEN: A surprise fave full of F.U.N. features, such as aiding shooters before she closes in.

NOW: No longer a surprise, just a fave.

NEXT: I won’t seriously consider Asgardian or Thunderbolts teams without her — and that’s even before other pieces like the Zemos who are designed to make those teams go. That rates her in the top 10.


No. 9


Ant-Man and Wasp [Chaos War 053] Original rank: No. 3 of 2012

THEN: Though 168 points is A LOT, I really enjoyed the finesse of this taxi-friendly duo.

NOW: With Precision Strike no longer putting a massive bull’s eye on their back, Ant-Man+Wasp might be able just to be beloved and overcosted and not just a free gift.

NEXT: In spite of the high cost, the pair is ready to play on any theme that I can fit them on — the next most likely being a swarm of Wasps and Ant-Men. A true top 10 favorite.


No. 8


Black Panther [Age of Ultron 045] Original rank: No. 1 of 2015

THEN: He was the first version of a favorite character that felt … complete.

NOW: Although overcosted from the beginning, this effort remains the closest to the definitive Black Panther.

NEXT: Outside of Modern Age, he’s the first Panther I consider, always. The absolute standard by which all others are judged. This king is truly a top 10 fave.


No. 7


Aquaman [Brightest Day 006] Original rank: No. 1 of 2010

THEN: He was the first really good Aquaman figure, whether alone or in Atlantis themes.

NOW: Although he lacks the Leadership or the Willpower or the Justice League membership to truly be definitive, he’s still the very first figure I consider for any Atlantis team, EVER.

NEXT: Earlier in the countdown, I got the bright idea of pitting every Aquaman against every Namor, so that may be coming in 2020. This absolute favorite will be on the field, no doubt.


No. 6


The Authority [Flash 016, 017, 032, 033, 048, 049, 060 and 061] Original collective rank: No. 2 of 2014

THEN: The whole team (from Doctor [016] to Jenny Quantum [032] to Apollo [048] to Jack Hawksmoor [033] to Swift [017] to Engineer [060] to Midnighter [049] to Jenny Sparks [061]) won me over with its ability to at least lightly counter many of the meta tricks of the day.

NOW: I play them to this day, though my order of favoritism has changed from the above to this: Jenny Q, Doctor, Apollo, Jack, Engineer, Swift, Jenny S and Midnighter.

NEXT: I love them with Planetary so that’ll happen sometime. But really, I’ll field this team anytime I want to play a F.U.N. team that can still hang even with the modern power creeps. A perennial favorite.


No. 5


Moon Knight [Avengers Defenders War 062] Original rank: No. 2 of 2017

THEN: Not only great looking with the three-piece suit costume, but sporting a great dial that’s just a little too pricey.

NOW: Inspired me to collect the rest of the Moon Knight figures in the game. Love him.

NEXT: I am going to play that “White Suits” theme sometime in the coming months.


No. 4


Drax The Destroyer [Guardians of the Galaxy Movie 013] Original rank: No. 7 of 2014

THEN: His mix of powers were a perfectly playable representation of the character.

NOW: He is still my first choice for Drax even though better and cheaper versions have appeared.

NEXT: My buddy Lenny and I have been planning a big match between my Guardians and his Inhumans for a while now. And although I’d been tempted to be lazy and just run 1600 points of Rocket and Groot, this countdown has reminded me that it’s time to field my favorites, like this Drax. Always.


No. 3


Ambrose Chase [005] 2019 rank: No. 2

THOUGHTS: Opponents are always a bit awed at his abilities to attack six targets with two rerolls while running up walls. And so am I, even as I chafe at his limitations (no Willpower, short-ish range, really short Prob range).

NEXT: Not only will he be played as a Top Fig this year, but he’s a shoo-in for the “White Suits” team I have in mind and a new version of the Trenchcoat Brigade, the John Woo Two-Gun theme and, of course, Planetary/Authority.


No. 2


Miss America [WizKids M17-009] Original rank: No. 1 of 2017

THEN: She debuted as a favorite and has never lost her standing.

NOW: Her high-risk style of play (where she attacks in close and invites allies to also attack her target) still appeals to me even though it’s not always successful.

NEXT: Young Avengers remains a favored keyword for me, and she completes The Ultimates core five (the others being Black Panther, Blue Marvel, Captain Marvel and Monica Rambeau/Photon/Spectrum). But she also will shine in a “zero range” close combat scenario.


No. 1

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Power Girl [Rebirth 022] 2019 rank: No. 1

THOUGHTS: So much flexibility (Outwit/Perplex, Giant/Colossal Size with +1 stats), in one uncommon afro-puffed package. She’s still pretty new, but I think she’ll hold this peak spot for a long time.

NEXT: She’s in the Top Figs box, so … probably next week?


And there you have it! My top 150 or so favorites across the life of this blog. Some have aged way out and could probably be replaced with others, though … ones that never made a year’s top list but kinda still beg to be played. Next post will highlight a few of those!

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