My Start in Heroclix: TBT Edition

COVID-19 continues to disrupt our lives in America. Heroclixin’ is no exception. Ye olde webmaster Rurouni KJS is preoccupied with finding new employment, so I haven’t been thinking much about keeping this blog fresh. And it’s not like we’re able to get much in the way of tabletop F.U.N. with social distancing being a thing.

But I can’t abandon Heroclixin’ entirely, or even at all. So it’s time for me to spend a little of this extra time digging out some posts that have been languishing in draft status for A WHILE.

The first is an installment in a little series I INTENDED to publish in recognition of Heroclixin’s 10th anniversary last year: How yours truly and fellow board members Sceritz and Taylor even got started playing this great game.

So this is a mea culpa to Taylor, aka The Baker Tay, aka TBT, who answered the call early and I just sat on his writeup for a whole dang year.


Heroclix started in my life as a goal.

My first piece was Hypertime Aquaman #52. I grabbed him off a “free” table at my first anime/games/etc convention at Otakon in Baltimore, Maryland.

It was the coolest thing ever.

Jump ahead a few years, and I found the Watchmen Fast Forces at a local music and games shop. I loved that store, I was still interested about the game, and one day I knew I’d play it with someone. I picked it up. I still had no clue how to play.

It was the coolest thing ever.

I’m a mostly full-grown adult, moved a (literal) thousand miles away, and I took a vacation back to a convention with a bunch of friends that I missed dearly. In that con was my first game of Heroclix. In a sealed event of War of Light, It was me against another new player. The judge was probably the epitome of an enthusiast, and he got to me. I loved the game. I played the Lost Lanterns Arisia and Graf Toren with an Orange Lantern Construct, and I can’t remember what my opponent played. I didn’t care. It brought comic books to life. It was intoxicating, even with the loss I took that day. The judge gave me a Kyle Rayner LE (yes, THAT Kyle Rayner) as a thank-you for playing, and the Green Lantern Battery. I couldn’t stop thinking about it all vacation.

It was the coolest thing ever.

I go back home to the great “A”, with a determination to play this game more than once in ten years. Thanks to the internet, I find a local game store, play more consistently, meet Rurouni KJS and Sceritz… and it snowballed from there. I still love that stupid, very-strong Kyle Rayner. I also hope I find that guy who taught me how to play. I owe him a game or two.


Coolest. Thing. Ever.


And that was the coolest intro to HeroClix ever!

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