Looking to complete my final 2011-related countdown before April: my FAVORITE pieces of the year.

#4 is the king of Atlantis:

Aquaman (Superman 048)


Well, it’s Aquaman, my favorite superhero. This alternate-universe version is the roughest, toughest Arthur Curry made in the game yet and is a boon to any Atlantis or Swim team. Despite that, he doesn’t require water terrain to make himself useful the way some earlier Aquaman figures do.

I only want to play him on aforementioned Atlantean or swimmer-heavy teams, due to his special powers and traits. He’s also the priciest of Aquaman figures by far.

On an Atlantis or swim team. I also have a thought of using him on a Soldier-themed team composed of mostly swimmers like Atlantean Warriors, E OMACs and REV Badoon. And the new Flashpoint ATA is sparking ideas there, too.

Next: Somebody HARD.

Looking to complete my final 2011-related countdown before April: my FAVORITE pieces of the year.


Armor (Giant-Size X-Men 050)


I did a F.U.N. review of her back in April, too. which outlines all the reasons she jumps to mind when it’s time for team-building.


I’m not a huge fan of X-teams (a problem when so many of my favorite pieces last year coming from X-Men), so she doesn’t leave the box much. When I consider Teens, the Legion of Super-Heroes tends to crowd her out.


Who knows? Maybe on the next big X-team alongside Cyclops and the new X-Men-keyworded Namor.

 Next: Speaking of Namor…

Looking to complete my final 2011-related countdown before April: my FAVORITE pieces of the year.


Thanks to HCRealms member moonknight2099 for the photo!

Madrox (Giant-Size X-Men 001)


Refer back to the F.U.N. article I wrote on him last April.   It’s all still true.


Only a 33% chance of his power working, and the fact that he otherwise needs to invest additional points to get the most out of his other powers, and his lacking the X-Men keyword to really work well with other mutants keep him off a lot more teams than I like.


On any X-Factor team, of course. And, as newly qualifying sculpts release, he’s a fixture on my periodic  “trenchcoat brigade” theme teams.

 Next: another X-person.

Good grief, it’s almost April. Time to wrap this up!


Black Widow (Captain America 006)


Not only is she a favorite comics character of mine — particularly since the 1999 miniseries from which the above art comes from — but it’s the first time she’s really been made well. Sure, there was the adequate Ultimates version, but that’s all she was…adequate. And barely, at that.

Now we have a Widow that embodies what makes her a winning character: that she combines the best of spandex-clad superhero and James Bondian superspy tropes. Her perma-Stealth trait frees up her dial for important powers like Running Shot and Leap/Climb, and her offensive numbers are solid. Most importantly, she’s loaded with useful keywords, especially Thunderbolts, qualifying her for the excellent ATA.


Her defense numbers are a little low for her high 85-point cost…which is actually 93 points, because I’m almost always going to run the 8-point T-Bolts ATA on her. For that price, I need her stats to be a little bit higher, yo.

It doesn’t help that she has competition in Black Widow (#206); for only 60 points, you get a solidly useful version whose only drawbacks are lower damage potential, limited keywords and just not being as good as the other. But at 25 points cheaper, whaddayawant?


On any Thunderbolts or Spy or Marvel Knights team, she’s a lock (unless I’m using the new ATA on the latter — it’s just so wasted on her). And probably regardless of what the upcoming Avengers Movie set(s) do with the Widow, I’m probably sticking with this version for my inevitable “movie Avengers” theme team. But the team I most want her on is a Secret Avengers build, one better than those I’ve played failed with in the past.

 Tomorrow: another member of the trenchcoat brigade.

Continuing my final 2011-related countdown: my FAVORITE pieces of the year,  stating:

  • Why it’s a favorite that I want to play
  • Why I don’t play it all the time
  • When and how I’m planning to play it next


Amadeus Cho (Incredible Hulk 027)


Ever since his introduction in a nifty 8-page story in the 2004 Amazing Fantasy anthology, Amadeus Cho has been a favorite character. In a comic world full of world-smashing Hulks and jaw-busting Hercs, this little Korean-American guy keeps pace by being the 7th (or 8th) smartest man in the world and able to parlay those brains in the physical world without the benefit of the money and tech that a Reed Richards or Tony Stark can leverage. This piece represents that pretty well by not only being loaded with Outwit and a bit of Probability Control, but also having a low-damage Penetrating Blast SP.



He works best with a Hercules, and although the Lion of Olympus made the Top 10 list, he’s not a favorite. Cho’s 59 points are also a little steep for his fragility and short life.



He’s got the Avengers keyword, so he’s probably going on the next non-movie-inspired one I play. But I’m really holding out for the next Celebrity team to put him and Herc on.

Speaking of Avengers, the next person on the list is one. See you the–

Wait. What’s this?!?

"Khazad!!! Khazad ai menu!"

Gimli (Lord of the Rings 005)

As I’ve been cobbling this list of favorites together, a short but doughty red-bearded dwarf kept clamoring for a spot. “But,” I argued, “I’ve only played it once and never done it again. I haven’t even planned any teams for him to be on. How can he possibly make the list?”

Then another part of me argues back, “Don’t you always wish you’d thought of him, afterward? And haven’t you wanted to run him again, frequently?

“Isn’t the only reason he hasn’t been played more often is because of A) a dearth of LOTR-centric events coupled with B) your own desire to play any and all unplayed figures in your collection before returning to any given well?”

Yes, dammit. YES. True to his stubborn dwarf nature, Gimli refuses to go away, and thus finds himself a surprise tie with Amadeus Cho just as I was finishing the young genius’ writeup.


C’mon, he’s a dwarf. The jokes write themselves. More to the point, I always liked Gimli in the books and films (I secretly rooted for him in his body-count contest with Legolas). He’s a playable piece, too, with the stoutest defense of any of the Fellowship — even before factoring in his Epic Action trait, “Hold Your Ground!” granting +2 DV for himself and pals for a round —  and great melee ability in an Indomitable, quasi-Incapping package.



The aforementioned lack of LOTR games are one reason — especially since at 107 points, he begins to feel a bit inefficient with an opening 9 AV (though that improves further in his dial) and downright overcosted when he can’t use his Epic power. He’s also quite slow and may have trouble getting into fighting range as a result. Finally, he’s stuck with just one useable keyword, Warrior, which tends to be a bit light in dwarf-tossing (TK) or toting (taxi) methods.



So hard to say, with the rarity of “Rings” games in these Gauntlet-obsessed days. I’m pretty hesitant to run the Fellowship in a standard Golden Age game. But he’ll be a lock for a “Fighting With Your Hands Full” scenario.

OK…that digression over, my next favorite also shares a quality with Gimli. Check out #7 next week!

Continuing my final 2011-related countdown: my FAVORITE pieces of the year,  stating:

  • Why it’s a favorite that I want to play
  • Why I don’t play it all the time
  • When and how I’m planning to play it next

Cyclops wears black and hides his face behind his so-needed visor. These guys wear black and hide their faces in thin air, being more ghost than human…



Black Rider/Ringwraith/Nazgul/One Of The Nine/Servant Of Sauron (Lord of the Rings 016/006/101/102/020)


I could explain that I’ve been a fan of Lord of the Rings since reading the saga at age 12. I could also write how I love generic figures, even high-cost ones like these. And I could mention how playable they can be, especially when the different versions are fielded together (the Black Rider as taxi, the Ringwraith as defender, the Servant as the damage booster, the One as the healer and the Nazgul as the Incapper). But ultimately, maybe their theme music tells it best. Hit it, YouTube!



The LOTR set isn’t considered Modern Age, so they get sidelined a lot. Also, in order to play them effectively, you need to be able to field multiple types and a lot of game builds just aren’t big enough for that. Moreover, I want to be able to play their leader, the 130-point Witch-King, along with them. But that 930-point squad then requires 70 points of filler that dilutes the theme. Finally, for all their powers, their shared opening AV of 9 (for the Nine!) isn’t exactly fear-inspiring, especially at epic-level builds.



Probably the first non-Modern Age game I can get of 600 points or more, especially if I can fit their leader the Witch-King in. And I will play that music.

I’m knee-deep in extra work these days, so my publishing schedule’s become erratic. But probably later this week, you’ll see #8. (He’s not dressed in black, promise.)

OK. After owning up to and rectifying my mistake of not reviewing WizKids’ biggest mistake of 2011, it’s time for me to begin in earnest my final 2011-related countdown: my FAVORITE pieces of the year,  stating:

  • Why it’s a favorite that I want to play
  • Why I don’t play it all the time
  • When and how I’m planning to play it next


Cyclops (Giant-Size X-Men 008)


Cyclops is an old favorite, ever since I first saw him on that episode of “Spider-Man and His Amazing Friends” guest-starring the X-Men. But he didn’t really catch my eye until I actually started reading Uncanny X-Men in the issues leading up to issue 200. That was the first time I saw the patented Cyclops bank shot. I don’t have a scan of it, but following a practice session in the danger room, he casually deactivates the session with a no-look optic blast bouncing bounced off the walls four or six times, drawing applause and rare praise from Wolverine in the control room: “Remind me never to face you across a pool table.”

Anyway, this Cyke is the first Sharpshooter version, the first with the Leadership that he so richly deserves, and the first with good stats and powers all around. Quite simply, it’s the first time the character’s truly been done well (although the “First Class” rookie in Mutations & Monsters wasn’t bad for the green, not-yet-field-leader Scott Summers).

Simply put, he’s a Cyke I’m not ashamed to play. And it’s about time.


Although he’s great for X-Men teams, I’m not such a huge fan of playing X-Men teams. He’s also a lot of points to be so very soft, armor-wise, so I’m a bit leery of running him in general.



Still, I just won’t play an X-Men team without him. I’ve also had this hankering to play an all-Cyclops team, featuring all the past versions of Cyke in ‘clix. So far, though, I’ve resisted the urge, as the older Cyclopses are so mediocre that I’d just be handing the win to my opponents. I also lack some key representations of Scott — namely, his Hulked-out version, Hulklops, and the Cyclops / Phoenix duo. From there, then, I’ll want to run all the versions of Jean Grey, too, which causes that little theme idea to spiral right out of control.

So, yeah. Probably just sticking to X-Men.

Next on my list of favorites: More folks in black.

I’m interrupting the countdown of my Top Ten Favorite HeroClix of 2011 to offer a rare, complete mea culpa. A few weeks ago, I listed the Top 10 Worst HeroClix of 2011:

Nomad (Captain America 016)Brute Honor Guard (Halo 029)Element Woman (Superman 016)Bruno Mannheim (Superman 020)Jigsaw (Incredible Hulk 024)Dhalsim (Street Fighter 103)Human Torch (Captain America 058)Guile (Street Fighter 105)Purifier (Giant-Size X-Men 002) / William Stryker (Giant-Size X-Men 019) and Princess Projectra (Superman 038).

I stand by that list. Each piece richly deserved its spot on the virtual wall of shame. And yet, for all that, none are completely worthless. With a little help, even these losers can shine:
  •  Nomad’s a candidate for the Loner feat to bump his DV to a quite respectable 18. Brute Honor Guard’s  Covenant TA means he can carry his fellow alien troops to serve as a shield for him, and Charge+Flurry is still one of the game’s best power combos. Element Woman is a decoy who can’t be safely ignored, and the Infiltrate feat can help her move about more freely at minimal additional cost.
  • Though his dependence on Intergang Underbosses is a weakness, Bruno with a trio or more of them is a wall of Outwit and fairly long-lasting Mastermind fodder that served me well when I played it. Jigsaw’s worked for me — and against me, thanks chiefly to his  Willpower making him a kamikaze hitman. You can’t completely dismiss a character like Dhalsim with the Street Fighter TA, nor a character with the big 4 damage that Human Torch brings to the table.
  • Even the horrid Guile has stung me with his short-range penetrating damage. The Purifiers have Predator X to do the heavy lifting they’re unable to do. And Princess Projectra was  instrumental in handing me a loss with her clutch Barrier and Super Senses rolls and wildcard ability, showing that even poor pieces like Her Royal Badness can play a role in victory.
But while I was compiling this list of mediocre-at-best pieces, I completely overlooked a figure that really does not have anything going for it at all, even in a set full of weak little Halflings. Perhaps it’s because she was disguised as “Dernhelm”…

Eowyn (Lord of the Rings 017)

A Rare in the LOTR set (equivalent to Super Rare in a normal set), she’s one heck of a disappointing pull for playability purposes.

  • With no range, no armor, and no move and attack to start, she’s no good in a fight, even with Willpower. Not without Perplex to help that 1 damage, anyhow.
  • But hark! What is this “White Lady of Rohan” SP? She can use Perplex and Support!…only on characters with action tokens on them. So what could have made her a solid support character leaves her only mediocre.
  • But wait! She’s also got a trait allowing her to ignore the effects of characters on movement and carry a cheaper character…only when she uses Charge.
  • Which she doesn’t get until click #2. So in order to use that “Fearless Charge” ability, she has to push, thus losing her Willpower and a point apiece of AV and DV. At least she gets Combat Reflexes to help.
  • Her Speed goes up from her starting 6(!) to 8, but if she’s Carrying she can only Charge 2 squares (8 halved to 4, minus 2 for using Carry).
  • She still can’t do any damage to speak of and her chances of hitting are worse than ever…unless she pushes again to get Blades/Claws/Fangs. OK, now we’re talking!
  • Too bad she just lost her “special-needs” version of Perplex, leaving her to continue flailing with an 8 AV.
  • Too late, on her final two clicks, she regains a decent 9 AV. She simultaneously slips to an indecent 14 DV only marginally aided by the Combat Reflexes. The appearance of Outwit on her final click is  more like a target on her forehead.

Gimme my fifty points, woman!

So, let’s recap. She’s nerfed as a backfield supporter, a poor fighter until mid-dial, with a DV unlikely to allow her to see much fighting time. What’s really horrid is that most of her Hobbit set-mates are all better at various support roles AND at fighting for LESS POINTS.

It’s completely unworthy of the courageous shieldmaiden who rode into Pelennor in the face of the mumakil charge and defeated the dark captain of Sauron’s forces. And it’s the worst HeroClix dial by far of 2011.

You are unworthy of the Warrior keyword.

Once again (though MUCH later than I did last year) it’s time for me to do my final 2011-related countdown: my FAVORITE pieces of the year.

Again, it’s very different from the “official” Heroclixin’ one. Instead of listing, as I did with that list, all the reasons each fig was a playable, winning piece, I’ll be stating:

  • Why it’s a favorite that I want to play
  • Why I don’t play it all the time
  • When and how I’m planning to play it next

I’m starting with one that was actually sort of released in late 2010 as an honorable mention because it was a tournament prize that most didn’t get until this year:

Impulse (DC75th Anniversary 104)


The young Bart Allen was a super-fun character early in his career as the aptly named Impulse. But my affection for the character is outshined by his play style.

Although perfectly capable of being run as the usual hit-and-hide Hypersonic Speedster, his 17 DV+Combat Reflexes and special Shape Change (if he’s a solo target and gets the roll, he gets to base the attacker) conspire to encourage you to stay in a bit closer. This twist on HSS makes him a F.U.N. (Friendly, Useful, Nifty) little annoyance piece — well in keeping with the annoying spirit of the actual character.


There are characters that are MUCH better than him at his price point, and I manage to talk myself into using one or more of those pieces practically every time I’m almost about to field lil’ Bart on a team. His keywords are only so-so for me as well.


Man, who knows? I could try to squeeze him onto my next Legion of Super-Heroes team, thanks to the seeming synergy between that group and the Future and Teen keywords, but there are enough essential Legionnaires who lack one or the other that Impulse is liable to get benched yet again (like I did just this past weekend). But he’s going to run amok in an upcoming game sooner or later.
Next time, later in the week, check out who’s my #10 favorite HeroClix character of last year! Here’s a hint: Always bet on black!


Not every HeroClix is good. In fact, some are outright mediocre. And in the year 2011, there were a few stinkers.

Or WERE there? Unlike last year, when it was easy to select 10 pretty awful pieces, the candidates this time around were a lot harder to identify.

For example, I selected Major Glenn Talbot as an early front-runner for the 10 Worst list. Sporting the same lousy 33-point cost and 16 DV + Mastermind and 1 damage as LE Bruce Wayne last year, he seemed to fit the mold.

But then I looked at how superbly the Major supports a Soldier team of shooters with his SHIELD TA and non-stop Enhancement and long run of Willpower. Even his Mastermind works OK, what with the copious numbers of cheaper Soldier or Hulkbuster characters in the game.

That’s why, much as I wanted to, I could not put Talbot among the Top Ten Worst HeroClix of 2011 after all.

That's RIGHT. Respect the uniform, MAGGOT!!!


So what ARE the 10 worst? Keep an eye out this week for ’em!