9 things Heroclixin’s looking forward to in 2016

Wow…we’re not used to being done with our Top Ten retrospectives this early in January. But here we are.

Now let’s look to the future! What are we anticipating this year?

More Mysterio

Longtime readers may remember that doing this in a HeroClix game is one of the site owner’s fondest dreams.

This will never, ever occur in an actual game of HeroClix

But it can never happen because there just aren’t enough actions in a 300-point game to move a dozen Mysterios. Not without help from non-Mysterio elements, which suggests a bigger team, which means that Spider-Man will have a ton of help killing Mysterios.

BUT!…The first Monthly OP kit came out this January. And it has a Mysterio with an ability to create 2 Mysterio bystanders who act without eating up actions. And it’s not a Unique piece. So…maybe…with enough of this LE…we can finally surround a certain arachnid with illusions.

Moreover, July’s Superior Foes of Spider-Man set could also bring a new Mysterio, or even perhaps his quasi-successor, Mysterion.




I haven’t been much of a Turtles fan since I the late 1980s, but we at Heroclixin’ are getting excited for the half-shell heroes on a map anyway!


A new rulebook and Powers and Abilities Chart

We lost our 2014 PAC while judging at the ROC World Cup. Meanwhile, WizKids keeps releasing Design Insight articles that not only give a little window into design choices, but are wholesale rewriting the rules. I need to be able to put my hands on an actual physical ruleset. Heroclixin’ was pretty disappointed to hear that the 2016 ruleset may not appear until late year. What the actual hell, WizKids?


Batman v Superman


In particular, we’re looking forward to a new Wonder Woman outfit to add to Diana’s Wardrobe — and dreading that one could be a chase figure. But there’s going to be a Fast Forces version that will likely have an identical sculpt, so we’re not that afraid. There will also be a new Aquaman in that pack, and maybe in the set proper.


The Black Panther Party


No, not these guys.

We understand that there will be at least one new Black Panther figure based on the Captain America: Civil War film. Heroclixin’s webmaster cannot wait to field a team filled wall-to-wall with T’Challa.


Guardians of the Galaxy OP kit

GOTG is another theme we’re completist on. So the new Gamora, Star-Lord and Drax are on our git-lists. Though what everyone really wanted was that Groot+Rocket duo…


Speaking of Aquaman:

There’s a new one in August’s OP kit. We collect all the Aquaman and Atlantis figs.


And, of course:


Ms. America. Because we can’t play this team!


Sand. He’s the last character we need to recreate this roster!




Puppet Master. With a new Boomerang almost certain in Superior Foes, he’s the only Infinity Challenge character yet to get a new dial.

Black Cat. She’s almost like a whole new character in the Spider-books after the Superior Spider-Man arc. Be nice to say “Hi, Felicia” to this resurgent villainess.

The whole Fantastic Four. We know half the team is written out of the comics at the moment. But come on: The first family of the Marvel Universe can’t be gone forever.


What are YOU most anticipating in 2016? Tell us in the comments!

1 comment

  1. Im looking forward to the uncanny xmen set the most! The xmen are my favorite characters of all in marvel. Unfortunately i was on a long hiatus since the beginning of 2002 to 2015 where i lost interest in the game and had to relearn it from scratch… still there are some confusing rules. I missed watx and dofp but i was able to buy hc singles of who i wanted. Im hoping the Z-man who came into Wizkids helps with the wording on the rules. I love Z-man games and they’re so intricate but fun and easy to learn.
    I absolutely hate the dials that are going to appear on the cards. Im just glad i don’t play competitively.
    I feel that they need to make a young justice set based on the old show… unless that was the teen titans set that’s already out.
    Anyways just found your blog. I like it!

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