Top Ten WORST Clix of 2014 [part 5: the terriblest]

No. 2


Kryb [War of Light 039]

IF you can totally block lines of fire to her, you can use her to run up to a 100-or-lower cost foe and snatch it and take a shot at it. Hope it works, because it’s almost certainly the only chance she’s getting. Without Willpower and having just the sole click of 17 Impervious, she’s not doing much else. Beyond that first slot, she’s down to Toughness. Her 5 range is exactly counter to her trait. Sure, she has the SP Perplex that tokens cleared targets under 100 points, but 155 is a lot to spend on this. 


So don’t.


No. 1


Triplicate Girl [Superman and the Legion of Super-Heroes 006]

Heroclixin’ actually almost overlooked this Legionnaire until hearing her name mentioned as a nominee for worst. And really, she doesn’t seem a candidate because despite her anemic 9 AV, she’s the only fig in the game that can roll three dice in attacks and get an effective +1, +2 or +3 to her DV. And she’s a flying wild card with Willpower and Empower. Not great but not terrible for 71 points. 

But wait…she’s NOT 71 points. She’s really 213. Or 158. Or, at the very cheapest (and in Golden Age only), 141. That’s because she has to be adjacent to TWO other Triplicate Girls (Energy Explosion is her worst nightmare) to use the trait. And suddenly the 71 points she costs seems even LESS economical. 

Why’s she even cost that much with her mostly cheap powers? It’s because of the hefty run of Incapacitate on clicks 2-4…Incap she’ll NEVER USE. Not when she’s got Flurry to use with the double Empower she should have backing her up in Modern Age. Losing the Incap on that dial gets her down to costing less than 60 points, I figure. 


  1. Individually, she’s the hands-down worst HeroClix fig of 2014.
  2. Collectively, she’s about the most overcosted as a unit.
  3. Which crowds her off even the Legion of Super-Heroes teams she belongs on.


Triple trash.


OK, that’s enough of this look at the losers. Next week, Heroclixin’ wraps up the retrospective with the 10* figs we love.

*(or more)


  1. There’s one thing you can do with Triplicate Girl that, while it doesn’t redeem the figure entirely (as you mentioned, these days even the top 10 worst usually have some corner-case use) brought a smile to my face and frustrated my opponent to no end. That is: run her in games of 400 points or more with a Defend figure, or better yet Legion Lost with JSA. When her DV is 18, that -1d6 to enemy attacks makes her virtually unhittable -and that makes her look a lot better!

    I love LSH teams because they usually perform a lot better by swarming that they would seem to on paper!

    1. It’s true, Arthur! I had a game earlier this year — shortly after publishing the article — where the Trips took down one of the Pacific Rim Kaiju single triplehandedly. Choosing Superman Enemy with the Legion Lost ATA was key in that victory.

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