Which of these are among the best figures of Hammer of Thor?

I’ve compiled most of my nominees for top 10 HeroClix of 2009, but need your help on the last few! Which two of these are among the best of Hammer of Thor?

Asgardian Warrior
Beta Ray Bill
Thor & Loki

Post your comments and look for the final top 10 list at Pojo.com and this space in early February!


  1. I’m going economical and budget busting. I would say Asgardian Warrior and Thor/Loki.

    The Asgardian Warrior is phenomenal for the points even without being able to use his minion power- 3 clicks of toughness, excellent attack values and damage potential…and then he can gain charge AND a boosted attack when partnered with an Asgardian Diety? A couple of these guys on a team can mean some serious trouble for your opponent.

    On the other end of the spectrum is Thor/Loki. Yes, it carries a 362 point price tag- but also enough tricks up it’s (their?) sleeve to actually make this a worthwhile investment. I’m sure you try to just rate the figure without the feats (so I won’t wax too much about the various smorgasbord (spelling?) that everyone already knows about. It’s a mystic with a FULL DIAL of Invuln. Oh yeah, you can’t outwit it. Indomitable AND duo, which evens the odds a little bit as far as actions go. Excellent attack/damage potential (nothing lower than a 10/3). Yeah there are some weaknesses…but I think the fact that the cost is 362 points and can still be considered a viable option to win in a 400 point game speaks volumes to the realized potential of this piece.

  2. Dude, Sif & StarLord all the way.

    Sif, because shes just great for her points. And Starlord for his awesome SP’s.

    The others on that list seemed Ok, but not deserving of the top spots.
    I pulled Thor & Loki in a sealed, and didnt play them. I knew it was instant win, some guy the week before pulled the same thing and slept through his 3 wins that day. Theres nothing really unique or cool going on, just a duo with good numbers and a bunch of powers to use on a VERY cheap dial, when compared to others of their stature.

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