Battle report: Legion of Monsters

So I attended a sealed event and this is what I pulled:

Daimon Hellstrom
Werewolf By Night
Frank Drake

Of the eight-plus contestants, I was one of the only ones not to pull a Super Rare or better. And although I still lack about a third of the Amazing Spider-Man set, every single one of these figs is a double.

I was pouting, yes.

It was 400 points, so the 278-point Sinister Syndicate theme I had available was worthless. Worse, adding Morbius was 11 points over. But I did see a rare themed team opportunity here:

Daimon Hellstrom 113
Morbius 133
Werewolf By Night 81
Frank Drake 55
= only 382 points, but it was a Legion of Monsters themed team, giving me a whopping four Themed Team Probability Control (TTPC) rolls.

(I’d need ’em.)

FIRST ROUND began poorly when my opponent Stephen’s Guyladkin lion Charged to attack Frank Drake in the first round, luckily missing. But then a mental fail cost me dearly when I forgot Frank’s Outwit and the pog Super Sensed his counterattack — and then the OTHER THREE attacks all missed as well. A turn later, Werewolf By Night was KO’d with Frank Drake following fast.

But this is a dice game, and Stephen’s went cold despite his fielding Ancient One and Living Mummy’s probability control. Morbuis beefed up to his top dial as Daimon sniped from a tower to make an unlikely comeback, taking out Spider-Man 2099 even on his mighty final clicks.

SECOND ROUND I faced Chris’s Dracula, Baron Mordo and a Werewolf. Once again, I was knocked to my heels when Mordo immediately Pulse Waved my Werewolf for three clicks. But that opened the Baron to counterattack and, more importantly, Frank Drake’s mega-Outwit against mysticals and monsters. TTPC saved Morbius from a crippling crit hit and again my opponent’s dice went silent. But the biggest turning point was when he forgot to use Dracula’s “Mistform” SP. HUGE error, that, and it gave me the victory when I did not miss my followup attack.

FINAL ROUND was against Serina, fielding two Dr. Stranges (each granting a different team ability to his pals) Kaine, Prodigy and a Zuvembie (with a 2nd one on her sideline). My less-experienced opponent overextended Prodigy with a TK Charge for yet ANOTHER first-strike on my team that fortunately missed. But from there it was a slog through taking Mystics damage (balanced by Steal Energy) and trying to keep the Stranges from coming into play. Eventually I wore the team down to outlast her for the win.

3-0, and the winner of the event! That almost never happens. It was a nice consolation for failing at my USUAL consolation “prize” in sealed events of pulling and playing brand-new (to me) figures.

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