Friday F.U.N. Figure review: MADROX (Giant-Size X-Men)

Multiple men making many monologues.

One of my favorite characters, Madrox the Multiple Man makes another appearance in HeroClix. He’s quickly vaulted to the top of my “want-to-play” list, being another F.U.N. (Friendly, Useful, Neat or Nifty) piece:


GX Madrox is not a min/max piece (or pieces):
  • Lacking any sort of moving attack or carry ability (unlike, say, Cuckoos), they can have trouble getting into the fight proper.
  • It also takes two or more to really leverage their powers. But that’s 88+ points that might not be better than other characters with more fighting prowess.
  • There’s also the double-edged sword of his trait, which could mean a boatload of extra victory points for your opponent.
GX Madrox still has utility, though, serving a different role on each click of life:
  • 1st click: Sporting Toughness, he’s good Mastermind fodder, an X-Men heal battery, and a general meat shield/tie-up piece — which, if he’s run in multiples, makes him a potential Flurry piece as well (via his “More The Merrier” SP: “Madrox can use Flurry, but only if a friendly character whose name includes “Madrox” or “Multiple Man” is adjacent to the target of his first attack using Flurry.”). All this may just be biding time for:
  • 2nd click: Perplex. You should know how to use this power. It’s very easy to get to this click either by pushing or X-Men TA. Coupled with his SP Flurry, this could be the best click to stay on.
  • 3rd click: Outwit. This is his only click lacking his SP Flurry. He’s most likely to be hit to this click or X-heal to it. Could be very useful.
  • 4th and 5th clicks: He’s got Willpower, which is perfect for an emergency X-heal of a pal or a surprise Flurry if he’s got another Madrox to activate his reappearing SP.
C’mon. It’s Madrox!
  • He’s one of those few characters that no one can reasonably complain about using in multiples. It’s what he does! It’s what he is! Er…What they are!
    (Who he are?)
  • And don’t forget his ability to bring in an additional GX Jamie Madrox or GX Madrox. If Willpower’s showing, bring in Jamie. His dial’s longer and powers are better — the 4 range catches people by surprise. If the original took less damage, though, bring in a matching Madrox and double your Perplex or Outwit, suddenly.
Have a great clixin’ weekend!

1 comment

  1. YO Love this write up. AS WELL These pieces can dominate against bricks…really all that flurry, outwit and perplex can tear apart most pieces.

    I always run them with Cyclops

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