Top Ten F.U.N. HeroClix of 2016: No. 4


Crazy Jane [World’s Finest 019]

  • Is the figure FRIENDLY and FELLOWSHIP-worthy? Her nutty dial keeps her from being the kind of figure that strikes fear into a player.  Level: HIGH
  • Is this figure still USEFUL and full of UTILITY anyway?  That same random aspect really hampers your plans. She has a great support-style click with TK and Perplex (click 2) but it’s unlikely to get to it to actually intentionally use it. Likewise, her great melee tie-up click is buried at no. 4 and she has the exact same chance of landing on the range-centric Click 6 — and near death. Her starting click, for its part, is completely weak, emphasizing attack avoidance with almost no real attack ability.
    The key to Crazy Jane is to go crazy with her. Roll her die (it’s optional) and use what you get. Push her with impunity; she resets to her original click anyway at turn’s end (again, optional). Each of her non-starting clicks have some aspect that can potentially boost teammates even when she’s double-tokened. And even if she gets KO’d, she’s a low 2d6 roll away from dodging death.
    She’s not for planner-type players. But she’s great for F.U.N. players. Level: MODERATELY LOW
  • Does this figure have a NEATO or NIFTY or NICHE or NERDCORE appeal?  She’s only for Doom Patrol themes, so she’s super-niche that way. There’s also that Nifty dial manipulation she does, representing a totally different style of play.  Level: MODERATE

She’s crazy F.U.N.

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