Heroclixin’s FAVORITES of 2014 [part 1: No. 10 and 9]

No. 10


Swamp Thing [War of Light 053]

Overall, I was not a big fan of War of Light because I’m about as not a fan of Green Lantern as you’ll find. I don’t dislike the Lanterns; I’m just aggressively indifferent to them. But the set still delivered a surprise hit in Swampy here.

Why him? He’s so F.U.N. Starting with just 10 AV, he’s Friendly despite both a very Useful moving attack ability and a Special Power offering him his choice of TK, Barrier, EE or Shape Change. There’s also the Niftyness of having another Swamp Thing in the game after a number of years.

Why I consider running him weekly: I don’t really. At 150, he’s just a bit too heavy to field, and his one keyword, White Lantern Corps, isn’t one I’m likely to play. It’s a bit of a miracle that he makes the list at all.

He’s fielded next: On any White Lantern Corps team I play or I’m not playing it.


The next on the list is also from War of Light, but fights for the black instead the white:

No. 9


Aquaman [War of Light 029]

Why it’s a favorite that I want to play: It’s Aquaman, and a never-before-made variant of the Sea King, so there’s that. But aside from that?

It’s all about those Undead Sharks. Man, what a F.U.N. idea! — Friendly due to their once-per-game / one-per-foe restriction and inability to live beyond turn’s end, Useful for the extra actions and attackers they offer, and Nifty, of course — they’re frickin’ SHARKS!

Why I don’t play it all the time: It’s a rare Aquaman lacking the Atlantis keyword, so he breaks the usual teams that a swimmer like him belongs to. He actually needs map choice to best sic his Sharks on foes.

When and how I’m planning to play it next: Though I’m not a fan of Monster teams, necessarily, it might be awesome to team him up in Golden/Silver games with the Kaijus from Pacific Rim. Barring that, he’ll be a force on the next all-Aquaman team I field.


Next are a couple of 2014 movie stars.


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