F.U.N. Focus: the Legion of Super-Heroes [part 12]

Earlier in the series, Heroclixin’ wrote that being mostly wildcards was a weakness for the all-Legion force. But as we’ve seen, quite a lot of team abilities are actually available for the team. Let’s look at each.

Animal ATA. This gives the team a shot at being able to bypass enemy Stealth or Shape Change each turn. It’s a cheap option for the wildcards at just 4 points with only a couple members who can equip it: Chameleon Girl and Timber Wolf [Superman & the Legion of Super-Heroes].

Green Lantern Honor Guard. It’s 5 points and gives the Legion +1 AV for each attack on a certain target. Consider it a bargain version of various attack TAs the team can use. It’s one to use in conjunction with other copyable TAs. Its drawback is just a couple of Sources: Earth Man, Mon-El [Superman & the Legion of Super-Heroes]

Justice League ATA: Gaining +1 DV against fliers, giants, Sharpshooters and Indom foes isn’t the worst defensive ability. It’s also dirt-cheap and comes with a pair of the team’s best attackers. Sources: Superman [Battle for Smallville Fast Forces], Supergirl [Superman, Battle for Smallville Fast Forces]

Justice League Dark ATA: Similarly, this one is OK as a ward against enemy range. It’s probably best with a non-Stealthed Legion bunker. Sources: Superman [Battle for Smallville Fast Forces], Supergirl [Superman, Battle for Smallville Fast Forces]

Justice League New 52 ATA: This one should only be considered if you’re running one or more dedicated Leadership pieces that will ALWAYS have a pal next to him or her and you’re not going to be running a better ATA for the points. The good thing about this 2-point ATA is that you only have to use it at the beginning of the turn when you’re using Leadership; the rest of the time, you can switch to more offensive or defensive TAs. Sources: Superman [Battle for Smallville Fast Forces], Supergirl [Superman, Battle for Smallville Fast Forces]

Justice League [Silver Age]: The Legion takes some time to set up its attack due to its all-flier nature. This ATA gives it flexibility to pick its target at the opportune time. It’s the priciest of the JL ATAs at 4 apiece. Sources: Superman [Battle for Smallville Fast Forces], Supergirl [Superman, Battle for Smallville Fast Forces]

Justice Society. Low DVs are a bane for much of the Legion’s history. With this TA, the superteens can share higher DVs. Defend is the basis for the Legion bunker, and JSA only extends its viability. Drawback is that it’s not compatible with most of the Superman Ally members of the Legion who are the team’s better fighters. Sources: Starman [Superman 039], Legion Lost ATA.

Kryptonian ATA. This 2-pointer only works on certain areas of certain maps and probably needs to be reserved for ranged combat-heavy Legion squads. But it’s unfortunately not very compatible with a bunker tactic, which likes hindering terrain. Should be the last ATA you pick unless one is very confident in map choice and has the team to exploit it. Sources: Superman [Battle for Smallville Fast Forces], Supergirl [Superman, Battle for Smallville Fast Forces]

Legion Founders ATA. A new ability, the three original members can use this ATA to help boost a given attack between +1 and +6, depending on how many Founders you began the game with. It’s 3 points. Sources: Cosmic Boy [Superman & the Legion of Super-Heroes 001 and 201], Lightning Lad [Superman & the Legion of Super-Heroes 003 and 203], Saturn Girl [Superman & the Legion of Super-Heroes 002 and 202]

Legionnaires ATA. For 2 points each, the LSH can get a major action advantage when its heaviest hitter goes down. The downside is that, well, it’s losing its heaviest hitter to get any real mileage from this ATA. It’s best fielded on swarm teams with some natural TAs to wildcard but can’t afford a better ATA. Sources: All Legion of Super-Heroes

Legion Lost ATA. Just like Thunderbolts ATA but for for DC, this 4-point pick-a-TA ability is MADE for the all-Legion squad. The drawback is that using it means leaving off some of the keyword’s best pieces that have non-wildcard TAs and that the chosen TA will be the ONLY TA usable by this force. But Legion Lost gives the team access to many more TAs these wild cards otherwise wouldn’t get. If one is not using a Legionnaire with the ability to invite temps to the team, this is an ATA to leave room for. Sources: All Legion of Super-Heroes

Mystics. All-Legion teams can be large, so this is a good TA for the team. Source: Black Witch, Legion Lost ATA

New Teen Titans ATA. I suppose if one is hungry for always having one extra Leadership figure on the team, this is the ATA for it. It’s only 3 points. Sources: Superboy [DC 75th Anniversary], Supergirl [Superman, Battle for Smallville Fast Forces]

Robot ATA. This uncopyable ATA only fits on one Legionnaire to date: its Source, Computo. Do not use it unless you’ve managed to add a non-Legion member Robot to the team along with Computo via trait or relic. 4 points per.

Superman Ally. The most likely TA for an all-Legion force to wildcard to, this one is good for the shooters on the team but completely useless for its melee pieces thanks to their ubiquitous Flight ability. Sources: Superboy [DC 75th Anniversary 026, Superman+Legion of Super-Heroes], Supergirl [Crisis, Superman, Battle for Smallville Fast Forces, Unleashed], Superman [Battle for Smallville Fast Forces], Mon-El [Superman & the Legion of Super-Heroes], Legion Lost ATA

Teen Titans. It’s almost the only way for the Legion to heal, and it sort of gets around the Legion’s general inability to push. The downside is that the Legion really needs its actions for positioning and attacking. Source: Superboy [DC 75th Anniversary 026], Legion Lost ATA

Young Justice ATA. This defensive team ability gives a bit of KO prevention to members of the Legion. It best works with a bunker formation due to its adjacency requirement. And given that its source character also has the Teen Titans symbol, this 4-point ATA works well in tandem. Source: Superboy [DC 75th Anniversary 026]

Finally, there’s the option to use the Gravity Feed founders to invite multiple characters to the Legion who might supply any of the game’s remaining TAs for the team to either wild card to or simply add to the force without breaking theme, including:

Crime Syndicate, Outsiders, Quintessence, 2000 AD, Arachnos, Crossgen, Crusade, Danger Girl, Guardians of the Globe, Kabuki, Top Cow, Fantastic Four, Masters of Evil, Power Cosmic, S.H.I.E.L.D., Skrulls, Ultimate X-Men, Assassins, Coalition of Ordered Governments (COG), Covenant Empire, Federation Away Team, Federation Support Team, Locust Horde, Street Fighter, Templars, United Nations Space Command (UNSC)

…to name a few. So go wild!


That concludes Heroclixin’s F.U.N. Focus on the Legion of Super-Heroes. I, for one, am looking forward to a huge-point game where I can run almost every single Modern Age member minus Superboy and Black Witch.

It’s exactly 3000 points. set_sloshset_sloshset_slosh

Next: At the time of this writing, the full roster of new Legion figures is unknown, so Heroclixin’ might take a short break from this F.U.N. Focus to await more spoilers. Long Live the Legion.



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