Token Totin’ Tuesday: GALACTIC edition

Welcome again to the photographic record of how all the sculpts of characters with the Super Strength power can hold object tokens.

At last, we bring photos of all the new Galactic Guardians with objects in hand (or otherwise)!


Hollywood (Galactic Guardians 013) adroitly grasps the token in his right arm. Charlie-27 (012) is less adept — tuck it under his gun-toting elbow. Hulk (027 and 207), is very similar to Hulk Robot, who I shot back in the Incredible Hulk set edition, but I found a better way to tote that token as shown above.


Namor (009 & 203) is a bit tricky, until you realize the token wedges well under his crossed arms and upon the crescent part of the dial base. Blood Brother (007) balances the token more precariously than it looks. Annihilation Seeker (005) and his sculptmate Ravenous (018) grasp theirs under the right elbow. Finally, Replica (035) uses her wings to hold a heavy.


Gladiator (040) confidently carries his object under his left arm. Xavin (022) and sculptmate Super-Skrull (034) have the right form to hold tokens well. The Thing (038) handles his…well, we’ll see. And Stranger (043), who’s no stranger to powers, can just barely hang on to his.

Thing begs a closer shot from a different angle:

Ah. It becomes more apparent. An object token fits under his chin for a most unusual hold — but one fit for clobbering, for sure.


A bit surprisingly, Giganto The Mole Monster (G004) is the only Colossal in the set with Super Strength. He holds it in his hand.

You’ve GOT to balance it on his thumb and middle finger or it just won’t work.


I want to present the balance of the Avengers figs, but I still haven’t so much as seen a Frost Giant yet, much less shot any pictures. And I didn’t have my camera handy when I finally got a peek at Volstagg, the other brawny piece left. So who knows whether Thursday’s edition will feature more than a single piece?

Check in tomorrow for a new approach to Wednesday’s New Comic Day Battle Reports.

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