Top Ten Needed Change #2: “SILVER” AGE



Remember Feats and Battlefield Conditions? I do.

Remember what a colossal pain they were to deal with? I do.

Do you miss having to deal with them in nearly every tournament? I don’t.

That’s why I was glad for the current Modern and Golden Age formats for HeroClix — the first, for the shiniest and newest elements of the game, uncluttered with destabilizing cardboard elements, and the other for when anything goes.

But in the years since the new formats, WizKids has introduced sets that, despite being the shiny-and-new, are not allowed in the Modern Age game (namely, the HALO and LORD OF THE RINGS sets). This is highly frustrating to those of us who want to play all our clix but don’t particularly care for the destabilizing cardboard elements that can clutter up Golden Age play — or who play in environments that lean more heavily on the Modern Age format.

Simply put, there needs to be an official middle ground between the two extremes for the heroic aspects of gameplay. (I stress “heroic” because a line’s still got to drawn somewhere. The starships of the Star Trek Tactics game don’t really belong. I really wish the designers had done a bit more to distinguish it from the normal HC lines). The number two most needed change to HeroClix is: “SILVER AGE: In this format, all HeroClix figures in Golden Age and Modern Age are legal for play. Feats and Battlefield Conditions are not legal for play. “

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