Top Ten MONSTERS (part 3 of 3)

Concluding the countdown of the Top Ten most F.U.N. Modern Age Monsters in Heroclixin’s estimation. Here’s the top 3!


Morbius (Secret Invasion #029)

At the sort-of cheap cost of 67 points, the Living Vampire delivers a wee bit of Super Strength and Stealthy, Leap/Climb-y mobility along with a weak form of Super Senses. Better still is his Steal Energy SP later in his dial, that either A) can get him back in prime condition with even a single successful attack, or B) will make opponents so nervous about that eventuality that they focus on him instead of bigger monsters on your team. That’s a win-win for the Morbuis player.

Speaking of bigger monsters, here’s one that Heroclixin’ will always consider first for the theme:


Mindless One (Giant-Size X-Men #005)

Folks were kind of down on this 100-point generic when it was revealed. Short six-click dial, no moving attack, slooooow speed, anemic DV numbers seemed to equal overcosted junk to the naysayers.

Then they actually played it, or faced one on the table, and they learned that a Psy-Blasting, Impervious and Indomitable Mystic is fearsome indeed…especially when played in multiples!

In fact, a Mindless One horde is so surprisingly effective that Heroclixin’ has to sort of dock some F.U.N. factor from it. While this piece scores on Utility and the Nifty elements, Impervious Mystics aren’t a very Friendly team!

Therefore, the top Monster in Modern Age for Heroclixin’ is:


Frankenstein (Arkham Asylum #041)

Running Shot, Invulnerability, Blades/Claws/Fangs and Indomitable make this classic monster reborn a solid 98-point fighting piece in a Heroclix game. His starting 9 Attack Value makes him Friendly enough to run in less-competitive environments (and fear not; a single push gets him to double digit AV if you need it). And monsters just don’t come any Niftier than Frankenstein — come on, now! Plasticity, Close Combat Expert and Regeneration give plenty of options late-dial.
Are there more playable Monsters in Modern Age? Sure. But that’s not what this Top Ten is about. It’s about F.U.N.! And Frankenstein here scores the highest in that category.
That does it for another end-of-month countdown…almost. Check for a rare weekend bonus update sharing Heroclixin’s Top Ten Golden Age Monsters!


    1. Too expensive and needs to be run in multiples to get its points worth. That kept it out of the top 10, much less number 1. Good piece, though.

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