My Custom Mods [mod 25]: NIMROD (Fantastic Forces)

Unique NIMROD (Fantastic Forces)

Or is he Pepto-Bismol Man?

OK, yes, it’s true that Nimrod has always had a slightly pink shade:

And yes, in his then-recent appearances, that shade was being colored a bit more deeply pink. But come on, now! It’s plain that he’s 95% shaded white, not pink!

What makes it worse is that he’s almost correct on the actual set poster! (Couldn’t find a scan of it, though.) He’s translucent white except for the dark pink details of his face and chest.

When I finally got a Nimrod, I wanted to strip the pink paint off. But I feared getting some on the base details and accidentally stripping those off as well. There was also no guarantee that he was actually going to be the neutral color seen on the poster. So I chose to attempt a repaint instead:

  • Painted over main pink body with white Testors enamel.

Completed mid-2009.

It’s not a complete success, as I got fingerprints on it and never achieved the even coverage I sought. But it’s still a darn sight better than it was, and I suppose the fact that some of the pink still shows through is more character accurate than my original intent.
Next week: Another character painted white. But in a different way.

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